Here are some RC Quadcopter frames I designed a while back. None of these have been tested, just played around with designing for a while. Here are photos of the designs I have made. Downloads for files can be found here.
Category: RC – Multirotor
Cold Day Flipping the Armattan CNC-258
Some of you may have seen my other video of some of my first attempts at flipping… that ended in a horrific crash with lots of damage. See video here… Well I am happy to say that after rebuilding the quad and getting some more flight time under my belt that I am doing much better, as in, I have not crashed it again. 😉 I have prop savers on it now, that hold the props on with elastic bands, which does save the props from breaking and bending motor shafts when you have a small crash, but they let […]
CNC 258 – LED Lighting
Armattan CNC 258 Quadcopter
H-257 V5 Frame Mockup / Build
Project Sentinel – Quadcopter – HJ X-Mode Alien Frame